So this morning I head out to Miller Park in Milwaukee to pick up my race packet for tomorrow's Color Run. I am excited! I have scanned all the maps of the route, read and re-read all instructions. I am pretty positive that I will be the absolute last person running, maybe even after all the walkers. I am SLOW at running. Everyone I know times at around 11 minutes or so and thinks they are slow, but they'll get better. HA. I run about 14-15 minutes per mile. Now THAT is slow! This 5k is going to take me about 45 minutes!!  And I know I'll be the absolute sweatiest person on the entire course. I have that "it's so much easier for everyone else" mentality. Bad idea. On the other side of the same coin, though, is excitement and joy. I get to DO this tomorrow!  Who cares if I AM the slowest or the sweatiest? I am going to get out there and run a 5k! I get a chance to meet my goal :) What could be better?!  And knowing that everyone else has the same goal - to run and have fun - is icing on the cake. Sweet!
Okay I think every runner has felt this, but it's nice to have some science to back it up. Running in humidity is HARD. Here is a great article from "Runner's World" that explains it nicely. For me personally, it was great to have that "aha" moment, or at least confirm that what I felt was not just me being a new runner.

I had to talk myself out of bed again this morning. However, this time what got me up and going was the prospect of going further than last time...actually taking the long way around. See, a couple months ago I scouted a route in my car that is pretty close to the 5k/3.1 mi mark, with time for walking warm-up and cool-down added. And it makes a complete circle, which is key for me. So today, laying in bed as the alarm went off at 5 am, I was trying to justify laying there until 6 am and then going. Which really means I was trying to talk myself out of going. But what is interesting to me is that instead of promising myself a shorter run, I thought instead about "what if." 

What if I took the long way? What if I could make it, all running? What if I had to walk part? What if.... and that got me up and out of bed. See, I have been really worried. Ever since I came back from Costa Rica I have had stomach issues...just general uneasiness, but it's sporadic and enough to sap me of energy and leave me unable to do much for a day. And I think I had it in my head that running exacerbates it, or triggers it. But I have also been really worried that I would not be able to do the entire 5k I have been working so hard towards. 

But I got up and out of bed. And I went the "long" way. (Long for me, anyway.) And although there were not one, but two, uphill sections, and a long stretch that can sometimes make me feel like I am standing still, I did it. I ran the entire way without walking it. 2.95 miles in total. I am so happy and proud of myself that I stuck it out. For the first time I think I will actually, really truly, be able to complete the entire 5k. (I just have to figure out how to get the warm-up walk in somehow.)  I can see myself finishing. I am turtle slow; today my average pace was 15:56 minutes per mile. I mean, some people walk faster than I run. I may well be the dead last finisher, last even after the kids who do The Color Run. But finish I will. I may be the sweatiest beast on the course. But finish I will. Sweet. I got this. WOO HOO!  
"I'm scared upstairs!" This is how my husband and I were woken at about 4 am today. My youngest had woken up and wanted to get in bed with us. Since it's way too hot for that, I took him back upstairs. And it took a good 20 minutes or so to get him back to sleep. By then I was wide awake. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Just tossed and turned for a good 20 minutes. 

It has been HOT here lately (I'll take it after the cool start to the summer).  And it's been a few days since I ran last. I have been trying to come up with a way to run that I wouldn't kill myself. Yesterday the temps at 5 pm leaving the swimming hole were around 100! When it's 85 and super humid at 8 am you know you're in for a HOT day. So running in that is not smart. What to do? I set my alarm for 6 am or so today. However, there I was, at a little after 4 am tossing and turning in my bed until a little voice in my head said "just go now." And the other part of my head replied "no. too early, too dark, I'd be nervous running alone in the dark." And the little voice said "just go now." So I got up and went. 

You know what? It was the BEST run I've had in a long time. I felt good, slow, but good, and I had plenty of energy. I finished 2.3 miles fairly comfortably (nerdy me -I got right in the car and checked - battery on the phone was low, so no RunKeeper today).  It was so beautiful out. Who knew that at 4:45 or so the sky would be so light? Just before dawn, dark enough that street lights were still on, light enough that I could see perfectly. The sky was clear with one or two stars left. By the time I was returning home sunrise was well underway. When I began the eastern sky was streaked blue, orange and pinky purple. No clouds to be seen. When I finished the western sky was layered pink to purple to deep blue. So many wonderful smells and sounds to enjoy - I had no need for music. Chirping birds, crickets, musty river & marsh, even the zippy crackle of the powerlines did not bother me. 

I am so grateful for the wonderful run this morning, I can't even say. I have been very nervous that I would not be able to complete the 5K I have coming up August 11th. Not all running anyway. I was afraid I'd have to walk part. But I can see me being able to really finish if I keep working at this. I have a couple weeks to keep going. And if it means getting up so early to go, I guess I will. I loved the push of energy, the breeze, the thinking time, breathing hard, even sweating felt great. And yes, I was sweating like crazy - it was that humid that early (& I am blessed with a ginormous sweat gene - thanks Dad). 

But - in the interest of total disclosure - once I got home I drank some water, at half a peanut butter sandwich, and crashed. Slept on the couch until my son woke me up at 8 when he got up. I am now starving and craving some coffee, so off I go. But man, I loved that run today!

(Took this pic halfway through my run this am)

Talked myself out of bed and into my running clothes this am. Got out the door before anyone woke up. (Yes!) Leaped over the railroad tracks just ahead of the train (I could see the lights way in the distance). Not a bad start.  Slooooooooow jog to begin with. Really slow. So I watched my pacing and footfalls. The first portion of my run is slightly downhill, very slightly. So it's a good start after the warm-up walk. 

Turns out I did have to walk today. Twice. But, I walked earlier on than yesterday and it seems to have made a difference. I was not so exhausted at the end. However. I got a pretty good stitch in my side twice. Both times I had to really focus on breathing so I could get rid of it. The second time was just before my cool-down walk. So the walking helped. 

This run and the last one I have felt that strange sense of being out of energy, but not like the running is too hard. Perhaps it's related to my breathing. A stitch in my side may be my body telling me something. I have discovered that running is like a never-ending puzzle. There is always something new to figure out. And I like a mental challenge. Yes, it's a physical challenge too. But a lot of it is in your head. Some might argue that most of it is in your head. I'm not sure yet, but I know I am always learning something new. 

In fact, I am learning that although I am deeply regretting not running for so long, I am thinking that it has actually helped my foot. So, bittersweet? Perhaps. As I write I am icing my foot. I am trying to do what my doctor recommended. (Although to be truthful I am not sure I can go for the hideous "supportive" footwear.) Some days I forget. Ironically, I find my foot getting better as my breathing presents me with a new challenge. If it's not one thing, it's another. But never dull.
Check out my face. This is what you look like when you haven't run for 2+ weeks and you decide to go smack-dab in the middle of a hot & humid day. 

So, can your muscles and your body be ready to run, but just be out of energy? That is what I felt like today. Like I had the strength to keep going, but not enough gas in the tank. I have not run in over 2 weeks. Not since the last time I posted. What has happened in between is basically a bit of an illness morphing into laziness. I got used to being tired. 

Apparently I brought back a souvenir from Costa Rica that I am not entirely happy with. Turns out I had a bacterial issue. I felt the weirdest I have ever felt. Hot and cold, stomach felt tight, swollen, gross, but not nauseous. In fact it hit me like a ton of bricks the same night as my last post. I ended up in urgent care, got antibiotics, and then after I saw my own doctor, he recommended probiotics and said it would probably take a good couple of weeks before this really went away. And reallly it IS taking that long. The terrible feeling only lasted for that day and part of the next, but I there are lingering side effects. Basically I cannot eat very much at once, but I can eat normal foods that I always do, and I am hungry more often (due to not eating much at once, obviously.) Good news is that I am down 8 lbs. Yay. Bad news is that if I overdo it with food I FEEL it. Not yay. Soooo...this is a long way of explaining that until now I have been able to do most things I am used to. But I have not quite felt up to running until now. 

Today I felt like this is it. Time to get going again. I had a lazy morning (up late the night before - kids were at grandma's!), and by noon I had the urge to just get out there and GO. It is was a bit cooler than it has been, with a touch of a breeze. So I laced up and went. Starting out I was fine, it was not so hard as last time - I didn't feel like I was dragging a huge weight behind me. But about 2/3 through my run I just ran out of energy. My body, my muscles, all felt fine - totally capable of continuing. But I had NO energy. No gas in the tank. (As I explained above I can't eat a lot at once. I had a yogurt for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch. I left to run about 30 minutes after eating the sandwich.)  I ended up running, then walking for a minute or so, then running again. I tried to run as much as I could.

The long and short of it is that excuses are over. Time to get back on track. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I will be out there, pounding the pavement, or asphalt, or gravel, or whatever. Moving. Getting back to where I was. Yes, I will have to build back up my endurance. But I did it before and I can do it again. I was able to do 2.6 miles comfortably. That is only .5 away from the 3.1/5k. I can get there. I WILL get there.

Oddly enough, even though I had zero energy left, I still felt that elation you feel when you finish. And I am thankful for that. That is what will get me out the door come Wednesday morning.

Costa Rica was amazeballs. Mexico may have to move over and make room at the top of my list. I knew I loved it when I was there before. I love it more now. I loved every minute of the trip: the people, the food, the rainforest, the cities, the culture, the language. I could go on and on. But that said, how the trip was organized, and where, left me NO room for running. Literally. In the rainforest lodge (swoon...must go back) it was, well, in the middle of the rainforest. No space for running. No workout room. No treadmill. And in town, well, if you saw the streets and how people drive, you would know running there is out of the question too. Yikes. 

And so it was that I spend a little more than 8 days not running. Do I regret it? Not one iota. Today I talked myself up and out of bed. One of those things you do even though it's hard because you know you will be thankful later. And man was today's run TOUGH. Really hard. It was like dragging myself through mud carrying an extra 20 lbs. But I did it. I was determined to do it, not to walk at all. I miss the feeling of being able to run just a little further, take that other path, and so on. Today it was all I could do to keep putting one foot in front of the other in a slow and lumbering jog. But I did it. And I will go again on Sunday, and so on. Until I am back where I was in terms of fitness. 

I felt the week dragging behind me. Maybe that is what I was carrying that felt so heavy - days and days of inactivity. (Touristy strolling does not really count as activity. Even though I so loved it.) My face and body were pouring sweat, great big drips of it. But I earned that. It felt good to sweat out some of the lethargy and heaviness. It felt good to know that I can still run, still move, still enjoy the effort of it. Difficult? Oh yes. Worth it? Totally. If this is the price I pay for taking a heavenly vacation, I'll pay it. I can take it!!

I don't really know what it is about running. It is hard, sweaty, and sometimes I really have to talk my way through it. But I keep coming back for more. I keep wanting to come back for more. I just really like it. A lot. Is this really me, saying I like exercise? Lazy, loafy, doughy me? I guess so. I guess I am changing, bit by bit. Or rather, step by step. 
I'm back. And I have to admit, I did okay last week, but if I am completely honest, I was lazy last week. My head was not entirely in the game. Head said no when body said yes. But towards the end of the week, my body sent me clear signals that said GET OFF YOUR ASS. As in my last post, achy, restless legs will get you out the door for sure!!

This morning I beat the lazy voice. I talked myself into getting up and out the door. (By the way, how can you talk yourself into something? Is there more than one "you" in there? Why do we say this? Perhaps it is, as they say, the thought and the awareness of the thought. "You" are the awareness of the thought, not the thought. I don't know.) From there it is just putting one foot in front of the other and making an effort to consciously enjoy the morning, the air, the work of my legs, lungs and body. (Running is probably the only time that sweating does not bother me.) 

At the start, I really felt like lead. Like my entire body was made of lead. I did not have nearly the same energy that I do running later in the day. But as a friend said, it's great to know that feeling is temporary - if you can wait a few minutes, it passes. And it always does. Especially if I can get my mind off of my body and thinking about something else - my schedule for the day, breakfast for the boys, the air, trees and scenery, whatever.

This morning there was this couple on the path who I see from time to time. Normally I would pass them going the opposite direction. Today we were headed the same way. They ended up stopping for some reason. As I passed them I had two thoughts. 1. Great. Now they will be watching me run - jiggly ass and all. 2. Why the hell is she wearing so much perfume to exercise? Oh the things you think on a run. Neither of those thoughts should have mattered. They are talking and I am not a big enough deal to watch run. They are busy with their own stuff. And who the hell am I to care who is wearing what amount of perfume. And in the long run it was no big deal. Run on. Shortly after that I decided to take a slightly longer way home, simply because it allowed me to run on a gravel path for part of the time. (I have found I really do like running on gravel better than pavement or asphalt or sidewalk.)

And I did it. Despite a slow start, a slow entire run, really, I finished the entire run, 2.28 miles, happily. It was not the easiest run in the world, but I am so much happier that I got out the door and back on track. "Back in the saddle again...." (you know you sang that) !!

I have not gone running in several days. And BOY am I feeling it! My legs are restless and achy. Holy moses, who knew! So I brought my clothes and shoes to work. I will go running somehow somewhere before I go home! Yesterday by the time I had finished all the home, dinner, kids stuff, the storm was rolling in. Too late. And it was supposed to storm this morning, so I did not set my alarm early. Naturally when I did get up, far to late to run, it was blue sky beautiful. Great. So today I suffer achy legs and wait in hopes that it will be nice enough for me to run. I never knew I could hurt from NOT running...