"I'm scared upstairs!" This is how my husband and I were woken at about 4 am today. My youngest had woken up and wanted to get in bed with us. Since it's way too hot for that, I took him back upstairs. And it took a good 20 minutes or so to get him back to sleep. By then I was wide awake. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Just tossed and turned for a good 20 minutes. 

It has been HOT here lately (I'll take it after the cool start to the summer).  And it's been a few days since I ran last. I have been trying to come up with a way to run that I wouldn't kill myself. Yesterday the temps at 5 pm leaving the swimming hole were around 100! When it's 85 and super humid at 8 am you know you're in for a HOT day. So running in that is not smart. What to do? I set my alarm for 6 am or so today. However, there I was, at a little after 4 am tossing and turning in my bed until a little voice in my head said "just go now." And the other part of my head replied "no. too early, too dark, I'd be nervous running alone in the dark." And the little voice said "just go now." So I got up and went. 

You know what? It was the BEST run I've had in a long time. I felt good, slow, but good, and I had plenty of energy. I finished 2.3 miles fairly comfortably (nerdy me -I got right in the car and checked - battery on the phone was low, so no RunKeeper today).  It was so beautiful out. Who knew that at 4:45 or so the sky would be so light? Just before dawn, dark enough that street lights were still on, light enough that I could see perfectly. The sky was clear with one or two stars left. By the time I was returning home sunrise was well underway. When I began the eastern sky was streaked blue, orange and pinky purple. No clouds to be seen. When I finished the western sky was layered pink to purple to deep blue. So many wonderful smells and sounds to enjoy - I had no need for music. Chirping birds, crickets, musty river & marsh, even the zippy crackle of the powerlines did not bother me. 

I am so grateful for the wonderful run this morning, I can't even say. I have been very nervous that I would not be able to complete the 5K I have coming up August 11th. Not all running anyway. I was afraid I'd have to walk part. But I can see me being able to really finish if I keep working at this. I have a couple weeks to keep going. And if it means getting up so early to go, I guess I will. I loved the push of energy, the breeze, the thinking time, breathing hard, even sweating felt great. And yes, I was sweating like crazy - it was that humid that early (& I am blessed with a ginormous sweat gene - thanks Dad). 

But - in the interest of total disclosure - once I got home I drank some water, at half a peanut butter sandwich, and crashed. Slept on the couch until my son woke me up at 8 when he got up. I am now starving and craving some coffee, so off I go. But man, I loved that run today!

(Took this pic halfway through my run this am)

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