So this morning I head out to Miller Park in Milwaukee to pick up my race packet for tomorrow's Color Run. I am excited! I have scanned all the maps of the route, read and re-read all instructions. I am pretty positive that I will be the absolute last person running, maybe even after all the walkers. I am SLOW at running. Everyone I know times at around 11 minutes or so and thinks they are slow, but they'll get better. HA. I run about 14-15 minutes per mile. Now THAT is slow! This 5k is going to take me about 45 minutes!!  And I know I'll be the absolute sweatiest person on the entire course. I have that "it's so much easier for everyone else" mentality. Bad idea. On the other side of the same coin, though, is excitement and joy. I get to DO this tomorrow!  Who cares if I AM the slowest or the sweatiest? I am going to get out there and run a 5k! I get a chance to meet my goal :) What could be better?!  And knowing that everyone else has the same goal - to run and have fun - is icing on the cake. Sweet!

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