I have not gone running in several days. And BOY am I feeling it! My legs are restless and achy. Holy moses, who knew! So I brought my clothes and shoes to work. I will go running somehow somewhere before I go home! Yesterday by the time I had finished all the home, dinner, kids stuff, the storm was rolling in. Too late. And it was supposed to storm this morning, so I did not set my alarm early. Naturally when I did get up, far to late to run, it was blue sky beautiful. Great. So today I suffer achy legs and wait in hopes that it will be nice enough for me to run. I never knew I could hurt from NOT running...
6/2/2013 08:15:16 am

That's awesome that you are missing running :) Good luck with squeezing that run in at some point. And don't you love when the weather is supposed to be great and it stinks / vice versa?

6/3/2013 10:39:43 pm

I am learning to just get up and actually look out the window to see for myself. The weather predictions just stink lately. Very strange weather this spring so far. I am going out of the country for 8 days soon and won't be able to run on my trip. I hope I don't lose too much progress...Ugh. I'm actually going to miss it!!


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