Talked myself out of bed and into my running clothes this am. Got out the door before anyone woke up. (Yes!) Leaped over the railroad tracks just ahead of the train (I could see the lights way in the distance). Not a bad start.  Slooooooooow jog to begin with. Really slow. So I watched my pacing and footfalls. The first portion of my run is slightly downhill, very slightly. So it's a good start after the warm-up walk. 

Turns out I did have to walk today. Twice. But, I walked earlier on than yesterday and it seems to have made a difference. I was not so exhausted at the end. However. I got a pretty good stitch in my side twice. Both times I had to really focus on breathing so I could get rid of it. The second time was just before my cool-down walk. So the walking helped. 

This run and the last one I have felt that strange sense of being out of energy, but not like the running is too hard. Perhaps it's related to my breathing. A stitch in my side may be my body telling me something. I have discovered that running is like a never-ending puzzle. There is always something new to figure out. And I like a mental challenge. Yes, it's a physical challenge too. But a lot of it is in your head. Some might argue that most of it is in your head. I'm not sure yet, but I know I am always learning something new. 

In fact, I am learning that although I am deeply regretting not running for so long, I am thinking that it has actually helped my foot. So, bittersweet? Perhaps. As I write I am icing my foot. I am trying to do what my doctor recommended. (Although to be truthful I am not sure I can go for the hideous "supportive" footwear.) Some days I forget. Ironically, I find my foot getting better as my breathing presents me with a new challenge. If it's not one thing, it's another. But never dull.

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